
Federalism inclass

Huxley Marvit 2021-10-28 Thu 13:16

Table of Contents

#flo #inclass

1 Federalism!

  • what is a faction?
    • interest diff
      • this can include ideological, but also, other needs.
    • does it need to contradict? albert says yes, i say no!
  • we have moved beyond madisons vision!
  • believed: political parties are dangers to the republic.
- power should not be pursued! it should be reluctantly accepted.
  • only those who don't want power should have it.
  • john adams: the first contested election.

to have a thriving economic system, you need to be able to protect the accumulation of wealth ~hamilton: big government, big business!

the people with more property need to be protected from the people with less property.

  • the government evolvles: common good to that common good doesnt exists. no longer about reconciling diff interests, just about getting ur intrests to the the reality.

no longer the concept that self interest can be mitigated somewhere.