
Civil Rights Massey

Huxley Marvit 2022-04-26 Tue 17:44

#flo #hw

1 the past and future of american civil rights!

so, just not the present? present kinda seems important tho ngl

civil rights in the US is one step forwards one step back

want's to talk about what the agenda for civil rights is in the age of Obama — so this is written relatively recently, but pre trump

old framers tried to make it incredibly hard to elimate slavery constitutionally, so they gaves diproportionate power to a small num of states w/ - appointed sentate - electoral college - three-fiths apporionment - req for supermajorities and etc. to amend constitution

canada deal meant that the non-slave states of the north could outnumber the south, coming close to the needed supermajorities ofc, south didn't want to let this happen

dred scott case meant that north would have to achieve supermajority if they wanted change

"Likewise, because selective col leges and professional schools recruited heavily through legacy admissions and well-established institutional pipelines, the only realistic way to desegregate higher education was to require admis sions officials to expand their applicant pools."