
Federalist and anti-federalist papers

Huxley Marvit 2021-10-28 Thu 13:27

#flo #hw

1 Federalist 10: Madison

the reading. ### faction - methods of "curing the mischiefs of faction" - remove the cause - destroing the liberty which u need for it's existence (ban it) - get rid of the faction by making everyones opionions of it the same - control its effects

  • first one is really bad! worse than the disease
Liberty is to faction, what air is to fire, an aliment,[1] without which it instantly expires.
  • cant get rid of liberty to get rid of faction
    • it's like getting rid of air to get rid of fire
  • second method is impracticle as the first is unwise
  • causes of faction are sown in the nature of man!
    • faction leads to bad things
      • mutual animosity, not cooperation for common good
    • this happens all the time, but the most common place, is unequal distribution of property
  • those w/ prop and those w/o prop have distinct interests
regulating these contradictory interests is the job of legislation
  • faction is less than majority than it can be defeated via majority vote
  • pure democracy doesnt work!
    • it falls to the mischiefs of faction
  • instead, we use, a republic

1.0.1 republic

  • it can cure!
  • points of difference:
    • delegation of government
    • extendability?
  • few elected people are less liekly to sacrifice ideals for temporary considerations
  • better voice for public good than the voice of the public themselves
    • but they can betray!
  • less people, less parties, more same party elected, can lead to oppression
    • so we need more people?

2 Federalist 51: Madison

#extract - about controlling the abuses of government

If men were angels, no government would be necessary. If angels were to govern men, neither external nor internal controls on government would be necessary.
  • the dichotemy: a goverment needs to control the governed, and the governed need to control the goverment
  • not just about guarding the people against the opression of the rulers, but guarding one faction of the rulers against another faction of the rulers
  • we need, a will indipendant of the society itself
  • larger the sphere, the more capable of self-government it will be
    • hmm. larger the sphere, the more emergent props u get?

3 The Centinel

  • make sure to consider before you give up your personal liberites
  • my reading comphrehension is drastically failing me.
  • argues, federliast government is bad!
    • it doesnt have the essential requistes of a free government
    • instead, it is the most "daring attempt to stablish a despotit aristocracy among freemen, that the world has every witnessed."

#review here.. jesus christ