
How the 1619 Project took over 2020

Huxley Marvit 2021-09-27 Mon 12:00

Table of Contents

#flo #ref #disorganized #annote

1 How the 1619 project took over 2020

trump makes a meetin in the white house about how the left defiled the american story!

the left has warped, distorted and defiled the american story with deceptions, falsehoods, and lies. There is no better example than the new york times totally discredited 1619 project. - *trump*
1619 project: collection of magazine articles about the ways slavery shaped america

historian read the KBxHannahJones1619Project essays?, found that it was factually incorrect, emailed the times about the

"displacement of historical understanding by ideology"

It didn't go over so well

percieved as an attack, had dissmissive repsonse

wrong thing, apparently: preserving slavery was a cause of the revolutionary war

it was called a work of historical revisionism aiming to indroctrinate our kids to hate america

all this twitter and media manipulation and stuff

speaks to the modern day enviroment? all this talk over like two words of difference

pulitzer prize winner called it a failure because of its monocausality, itsinsinstence on seeing everything through the lens of slavery

idk what to think about this one.. dealt with everyone attacking the project 
I geuss it's commentary on the social climate? 

demonstrates very slave-focused viewpoint of america, and viewpoint of that viewpoint being that it's revisionist and meant to make kids hate america

demonstrates that tensions are high?

frankly, pretty uninstresting.