
Latham on Constitution

Houjun Liu 2021-10-20 Wed 14:53

1 Reading Notes

1.1 Only by necessity did the states band together

Necessity alone had forced the states to band together

1.2 States were jealous of their soverignty and in large part unwilling to give it up

Each state was jealous of its own soverignty

1.3 Found a purely democratic society untenable due to practicalities

1.4 High level of state independence and lack of central control actually breeds despotism

But for many of the leaders in government ard businese things were moving too fast.

1.5 The reframing of the constitution maybe a light coup d'etat designed to revise federal systems while lowering democracy

Or did they, by what might almost be regarded as a coup d'etat, bring about a counter revolution designed to establish a form of government favorable to their own economic and political interests?