
Guilded Age Essay Prep

Houjun Liu 2022-02-10 Thu 10:34

1 General Information

Due Date Topic Important Documents
02/14/2022 A Title for Guilded Age Guilded Age Reading Items

2 Prompt

Through the examination and synthesis of various dynamics of the era, propose a NEW title for the “Gilded Age.” It may be helpful to consider metaphors, connotations, central elements of the era, political and economic structures, social changes, analytic constructs, and thematic connections to other parts of American history.

3 Claim Synthesis

3.2 The Claim

Despite the classical, social-centered analysis of the late 19th-century America which labeled the time period the "Gilded Age", it was actually the discovery of novel technology at the time that shaped the modern Republic and brought the sociopolitical change which is typically associated as identifying markers of the time.