
Perspectives and Intersection

Houjun Liu 2021-09-27 Mon 12:00

1 Daniel Richter

1.1 Questions and Comments

  • A Euro-Centric Perspective prevails
  • Praising of capital system, which is ultimately not a part of the native systems

2 Dumbar-Ortiz

2.1 Expertise

Born half native-American, but not raised with Native American culture. Argues that the Native American technologies were really advanced, and they had advanced techonolgy and trade.

2.2 Claim

Evidence of plating and trade was advanced; used the example of corn shows the innovative and advanced means by which it is planted.

Not saying Native American tech is better, but it was simply different. "Technology": three sisters, for instance, is an innovation but are often not defined as a technology.

2.3 Commentary

Contrast between a white perspective and that of the current.

3 Richard White

3.1 Expertise?

3.2 Claim

The perspective towards sexual contact is changed. It began with trade, but then sexual relations and violence had to adapt.

"As a result of getting closer by sexual relation … something … closer connection?"

Not much of a culture dilution. The indigenous group wouldn't cause. Relationship was not a temporary marriage, but allowed growing relations. Ultimately, it was a question of lively-hood and survival. Something that worked was taken and adapted; abstinence was taken from Christianity.

Since the French were men, and since men can't control their urges…

4 Mann

4.1 Claim

Tries to trace the interactions of indigenous populations and Europeans in the environment. Contentious and controversial because of the claim that "there were many more people pre-colombums than post-colombus."

Buffalo population greatly increased as the native population decreased, becasue they were less hunted. Urban centers collapsed before Europeans got there. It is almost certain due to the large population size prior to the arrival of the Europeans.

Pandemics are hard to trace. Europeans resistance to disease were heightened by the fact that it created more people.

5 Intersection

  • All authors attempted to treat Native perspectives
  • Point of history is to objectify the point of history: what happened and why

That there is pros && cons. Natives are gaining more technology; something that the Europeans brought up either simplified their life… or enriched their quality of life.

But! But! Clay says. They are overshadowed by the cons.

96%, ultimately, died from disease.