
French-Indian War - Notes

Dylan Wallace 2021-10-02 Sat 10:58

1 Overview

  • Fought between Britain and France, with Indians aiding both (depending on tribe)
  • First time conflict in Americas spread to Europe

2 War Details

2.1 Geographical

  • War over Territory
  • British needed land for farming, expanded into French territory

2.2 How did it play out?

  • Frenchman Dusquesne sent to control valley
  • Virginia Governor sends George Washington to assert British interest
  • French surrender but British-aligned Indian scalps a Frenchman
  • Washington surrenders at Fort Necessity, doesn't understand French and ends up signing unfavorable surrender terms
    • British can't settle past Allegheny Mountains for a year
    • British lose 2 captains as captives
  • British send General Braddock—really not experienced in America and screwed stuff up
  • Albany Congress (1754) : fails to unite colonies
  • Ben Franklin Join or Die cartoon
    • Made as rallying cry during French-Indian war
  • William Pitt strat
    • Let Prussia deal with European conflict
    • Supply Prussia and fund them but no manpower help
    • Tax colonies for funds and bring more British to colonies
  • William Pitt Results
    • Takes Quebec and Lawrence River
    • Treaty of Paris - Ends all French claims in NA
      • Louisiana actually goes to Spain

2.3 Aftermath

  • Enormous economic burden on Britain
  • Colonists thought they did all the work and taxes were unfair
  • Colonists didn't get Ohio River Valley
    • British couldn't protect Ohio River Valley, was fearful colonization would start another war
  • Cajun food comes from "Acadian" (i.e. French people in Quebec who were expelled and went to Louisiana)

3 Join or Die

  • Is snake => Negative connotations? Biblical?
  • Georgia is not present