

Houjun Liu 2021-09-27 Mon 12:00

Table of Contents

1 Trauttmann

  • India affected by the successful expansion of Islam
    • Created globalized multiculturalism
    • Expanded Indian ideas and invention to Europe
      • Chess
      • Folktale collection
      • Panchatantra animal fables
      • Literally Zero
      • And, Arabic Numerals (#what)
  • Europeans interact with India
    • Indian very strange for Europeans
    • Created legacies and mysteries about India
    • CLAIM: Images/representations were dreamlike
      • Misrepresentation goes back to greco-Roman times
      • Viewed India as a land of strange people + desirable luxuries
    • Originally leveraged the Muslims as the point of trade, but later developed desire to handle trade w/ India independently
      • One attempt to do that failed very badly, i.e. Colombus. We all know where he ended up.
      • India was thought as sprawled throughout Asia, as in…


Figure 1: indiaiseverywhere.png

  • Portugal in India
    • Created the first effective voyages in the Indian direction
    • Traveled around Africa to reach the coast of India, dominating Euro-asian trade
    • Created treaties with local governments
    • Established seaborne trade domination by requiring trading licenses
    • Supplied local governments with resources
      • American crops: potatos and corn
      • Luxuries: tobacco and pineapple
      • Other foods: tomatos and chilli
    • Also, brought Catholic Christanity with them; who could have guessed?
      • Converted Indians
      • Established Roman Pope's supermicy over already Existant Thomas Christians
      • Employed two strategies
        • Please the Indians: adopted the form of a brahmin renouncer
        • Force the Indians: instituted Inquisition to force orthodoxy
  • Porchugual vs. Spain
    • Squabble squabble squabble
    • Eventually the… Pope? settled the issue: awarding Portugal every to the east of Brazil and Spain everything to the west
  • Merchant Companies
    • Novel trading strategies
    • Created companies with independent armies that traded
    • Promoted merchantilists monopolies on a region/a good
    • Entered into political relationships to establish power = control
    • Lead companies to rule Indian territory
  • The Brits
    • Competition spawned from rivalry between England and France
      • Wiping French rule in Canada
      • Amercian independence w/ assistance by france
      • Establishing Bengal terrirory in India
    • CLAIM: fighting, and winning BEI.C vs. FEI.C established Britian's Empire in India
    • Fought and implicated Indian allies
      • Indian princes leased independently-governed trading posts ("factories") to help either one side or the other
      • Eventually BEI.C army defeated Mughal army in 1757, and effectively achieved independence in Bengal by installing a new governor
      • Delhi Emperor allowed BEI.C to be the political and millitary admin (diwani) of the region
    • Goals of doing this
      • Failed with trading with the Dutch example
      • Struggles with the French to acquire new territory
      • Turns BEI.C from small company to one with huge rule and control
      • Company rule lasted from 1765-1858 when India is officially ruled by the crown
    • Ruling strategy
      • Not army based, and instead evolved from trading companies
      • Goal of rulers is to eventually retire to England + consider Britain their home
      • Resisted the idea of colonization, otherwise may create the Amercia problem
      • Prevented admission of non-company Europeans, including missionaries
      • A few thousand Europeans controlling lots more indians
      • Most Europeans born and schooled in Britain and sent as adults
        • Working under the direction of the headquarters
        • Retained British identity and ideology
      • Controlled large Indian army
        • CLAIM: Success was more because of Indian manpower than of military tech
        • Men were well-drilled
        • Created new organizational structures
        • Also, allied with Indian rulers
          • Gave independent control at the price of giving up control of foreign affairs + men for army
          • Each region had a "resident" which informed and influenced strategic decisions
    • 1857 Mutiny
      • Causes
        • The Enfield rifle cartridge wsa greased with animal fat => offended the Hindu + Muslim
        • Policy of "Lapse" => dissolving princely states without direct heir
      • Felt like that the religion was under attack
      • Mutiny spread across India, but it was eventually quelled after a year because it was not unified
      • CLAIM: this showed that the Indians were discontent with British rule
      • Aftermath
        • Mutineers were punished harshly
        • Mughal Empire formally abolished w/ the king exiled to Burmar
        • In Nov 1, 1858, the Queen assumed control of India => direct parlimentary control
          • Assured that indian religions will not be interferred with
          • Rights and territories of princely states won't either
          • Reorganized to increase Britons in the Indian army
          • Harsh feelings divided India, CLAIM: leading it to gather the new goal of turning India into a US/Europe nation state
  • India and Europe
    • Initially worked under a interference policy
      • Goal was not to take over
      • All had the shared goal of making money for the Company
      • Minimal government for the goal of law-and-order
    • Jesuits spreader Christianity => Beschi very successful. BEI.C eventually prohibited it.
    • Family and civil disputes settled based on religious court; criminal and contract law were made uniform => law that hinged on religion remained a problem until this day
    • Company took the stance of minimal interference in land revenue, too!
      • Created policy of settling revenue in obligation to zamindars
    • CLAIM: minimal interference came under pressure during attempted Indian reform to European values
      • Newly settled land identity on individual cultivator
      • Government reached every cultivator directory + not through landlords
      • New reformation movements Utilitarinasm => governmental reform, and evangelical movement => social reform
    • This reforamtion ebbed and flowed: Britian, after 1857 rebellion, decided that they overdid it and tuned down the reformation
    • European reform of India
      • New family + kinship rules
      • Brought the idea of popular soverenty as a cool governmental model
      • Higher respect for learning, science, and technology => turning India from the centre of learning to not and to respecting learning again due to THE INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION
        • Textiles! (destructing handicraft along with it)
        • Railway!
        • Historiography of India!