

Houjun Liu 2021-09-27 Mon 12:00

Table of Contents

1 Qing

#flo #disorganized

  • The Manchus!
    • Powerful army took China
      • Professional military organized under 8 banners
      • Took Beijing
      • Restored order
      • Proclaimed that the mandate passed to them
    • Assured that Chinese culture would continue, but those who resisted are punished
      • Yangzhou refused to surrender
      • So Manchus took the city and instantiated the purge
  • Hairstyle submission
    • Forced Chinese men to submit to a Manchu hairstyle
    • Present symbol of Manchu rule
    • Took a whole generation to solidify rule
  • Three great emperors
    • Kangxi Emperor
      • One of the most effective rulers of China
      • Held the throne for 60 years
      • Financials
        • Froze tax assessment in 1712
        • Made tax increase no longer a threat
      • Regions
        • Extended the empire northward + establish borders with Korea + Russia
        • Lead campaigns against Mongols and occupied Tibet
      • CLAIM: why he was great
        • Great guy
          • Dilligent
          • Good judge of character + warrented honest answers
          • Did not fight Ming loyalists as long as they break no laws
        • Promoted liberal arts
          • Held examinations to promote scholars
          • Patronized art, philosophy, and poetry
          • Interested in Western learning
            • Learned through Jesuit missionaries
            • Jesuits saw worship as a ceremony and not rites
            • However, was not fully accepted by the Emperor after the early 18th century
    • Yongzheng Emperor
      • More guarded and suspicious than Kangxi
      • Anti-corruption efforts
        • Expanded secret memorial system
        • A new tax reform that prevented tax evasion
    • Qianlong Emperor
      • Reigned for 60 years
      • Emulated Kangxi
        • Intensified Qing involvement in Tibet
        • Expanded into Turkestan
        • Patron of culture and arts
          • Compiled collection of Chinese work
          • Supressed anti-Manchu, anti-Confucion, and heretics by burning them
  • Extended Chinese model of leadership + united the Chinese Mongols Uighurs and Tibetans
  • 18s Century
    • Happy times
    • Prosperous and peaceful
    • Conservatively confusion
    • Two great novels written
  • Beginning of decline
    • Governmert did not keep pace with rapid population growth
    • Qianlong became fond of his bodyguards, who embezzled silver
      • CLAIM: this is an early sign of decline
    • Continuous military campains eventually lead to near bankrupcy