
Napoleon Debate Prep Sources

Houjun Liu 2021-09-27 Mon 12:00

1 Napoleon Debate Prep Sources

1.1 Dec of Rights of Man and the Citizen

Created in conjunction of John Locke's Second Treatise, American Dec of I, and US Constitution

  • Ignorance, neglect, or contempt of human rights => sole causes of the French decline
  • Declares that “” must be unalianable rights
  • National Assemble recgonizes that, (under the authority of god)…
    • Men are born and need to continue to be free; classes are only founded upon utility
    • Political associations is created for the preservation of man's rights of liberty, property, security, and resistance to oppression
    • The Nation per se not ANY INDIVIDUAL or ANY BODY of men. (their caps, not mine) are the source of soverty
    • Political liberty means that people could do whatever that does not harm others + limit others liberties
    • Law should only prohibit what's harmful to society. Extra-juditial requirements should not be imposed
    • Law is the will of the community, and it should be equally ajudicated for all "without any distinction than that created by virtunes and talents."
    • No one should be arrested/held in confiement unless prescribed by the law
    • Th law should imposed no penties that is not absolutely necessiary; no one should be punished unless trialed by law
    • Everyone is presumed innocent until convinction
    • No one should be molested on his opionions, not even his religious opionis — unless that disrupts public order
    • Unstrstrained communication of thoughts is the most precious
    • Public force for security should be instituted for the benifit of all in community, not the guy who manages it
    • Taxes should be equally divided upon ability
    • Every citizen has the right (through him or through his representative) to voice his opinions about the collection and distribution of taxes
    • Every community has the right to demand individuals of conduct review? #ASK
    • Every community without seperation of power needs a constitution
    • No one should be deprived of property

1.2 Robespierre, Republic of Virtue

Jacobins like Robespierre supported the use of terror due to their believe that terror was instrumental to rescue the Revolution from destruction. Sobspierre throught himself as the model of good virtunes, citizenship, and patriotism.

  • Argued that the goal is "peaceful enjoyment of liberty and equality; reign of eternal justice w/ laws in everyone"
  • Model of perfect society
    • Low and cruel passions curbed
    • Ambition will be desire to serve the nation
    • Distinction grow out of equality
    • Circular chain of responsibility, where everyone expands by communication of rebulican sentiments
  • => "To fufill the intentions of nature and the destiny of humanity, realize the promise of philosophy, quit of reign of crime and tyranny"
  • Believes that aristocracy is not good enough; want a democratic/republican goverment
  • People regulate themselves with public affairs, and not a small group
  • Believes that, to achieve all of this, the French must go to war against tyranny
    • => use of terror! "virtue, without which terror is destructive; terror, without which virtue is impotent"
    • Believes that the "vicious and the rich" will use "slander and hypocrisy" to achieve their means
    • Thinks that the Mercenary writers are, hence, the most dangerous of the people
    • Wishes to send people to the traditional gathering of aristocracy to quell loyalism, through…
      1. Prohibiting counter-revolutionary writers
      2. Punishment of traitors and conspirators, incl. deputies and admins
      3. Appointment of patriotic generals + dismissal of all others
      4. Laws for the people

1.3 Napoleon

Used a combination of actual, but also psycological war

  • Believes that he himself will lead Italian soldiers to salvation, honor, glory
  • Brainwashes his solders to fight for the french Republic, using the king as scapegoat
  • Asked solders respect those who he liberate
  • "Waging war as generous enemies, and wish to only crush tyrants who enslave"
  • Believes that fascianism, imagination, and BRANDING rule the wrold
  • Believes that powerful leaders are ultimately the ones who need to know how to do everything
    • Need to lead with force, activity, resolve to die
    • Win over the people w. respect of religion
  • Power extends from reputation
  • Morale + opinion are half of the battle
    • Make troops appear very numerous
    • Make enemy's troops few and unloyal
  • Religion is owning to the Emperor + in defense of his throne
  • Circled back to the fact that emperor derives power from emperor
  • Gives conquered contries a constitution and common code
    • Wishes that changes would cause strength to monarchy
    • Enforces rule and reputation throughout Europe
    • Urges kings to rule constitutionally + with the public opionion

1.4 De-christianization in the District of Saint-Quetin

  • Believes that the christian institution is a "throne of terror"
  • Reason and philosophy should overtake it
  • Cities need to remove crosses on churches, chapels, cemeteries, or public places
  • Crosses should be replaced with national coat and colors
  • All the metal items taken should be inventoried in addition to linen, surplicies, chasubles used in worship