
Mughals in the 1600s

Houjun Liu 2021-09-27 Mon 12:00

Table of Contents

1 Mughals in the 1600s

#flo #disorganized

  • Akbar's rule of the Mughals
    • Tried to align his subject's interests to the Mughal's interest
    • Goal was to maintain adequate compensation and preventing officials form unjust enrichment by overtaxing the peasants who could then not work on government projects
      • Directed administration to award land revenue salary instead of assigning land
      • Value of government official based on cost w.r.t. operating military men
        • a local commander = 500 men
        • a provincial government = 5000 men
      • First model of separation of powers between government and military
      • Prevented financial corruptiona
        • Made constant transfers and deferrals
        • Prevented passing on of wealth to offspring
      • His minister, Todar Mal, made tax collection proportional to value generation
        • So bad crop year could pay less tax
        • Prevented overluxuriation and benefitted peseants
    • Favored appointement of native born over foreign — due to pledges of loyalty to Mughal state: promoting religious indignity
  • CLAIM: Melded together Mughal and indigenous elites
    • Encouraged intermarriage
    • Reformes aimed at selling Mughal to other people
    • All official appointments are treated as gifts from the emperor
    • Gave grants to Muslim and Hindu cultural institutions
    • Supported the arts and sciences
  • Akbar made empire popular by pimping it up
    • Improved living quaters
    • Regulation of school
    • System of laws
    • Challenged the patriarchy and improved the role of woman
    • Discouraged child marriages and encouraged remarrying of widowns
  • Intended all of his social reform to support his object of sulh-i-kul => universal harmony. (Not a fan of raison d'etat, I see)
  • The Porchuguese
    • Acted as middlemen between Venitians, Arabs, and Turks
      • Traded spices and cotton
      • Served as foundation of Western medicines
      • De Gama's Explorations
        • Invaded port of good hope in Africa
          • Disguised as Muslim traders
          • When about to be kicked out, fought and burned the city
        • Zamorin also got scammed by de Gama too
          • Convinced that he was a pirate
          • Did not drive off, and permitted to trade
          • Kidnapped some local fishermen for crew along the way
      • Evenutally, setup a larger network of trade
  • Mughals saw the Porchuguese, and wanted to curtail them
    • Resorted to a model of compromise => “Gave free passage to ships in exchange for pilgrims on their way to Mecca
    • Porchuguese, Dutch, and English collectively tried te “interfere in international shiping
      • Seisure of a ship by practicing Hindu
    • Mughals eventually partnered with english and dutch to try to curtail the porchuguese and create competiton
    • English and Dutch both adopted the porchuguese model
    • Mugals tried to create strategic partnership with European cultures
      • Ordered christian symbolism to be painted
      • Europeans impressed with Mugal style that Mogul became associated with power
  • Aurangzeb's rule
    • Orthodox muslim
      • Took religious values over tradition
      • Dismaltiled Mughal's multicultralism
        • Banned music and dance
        • Enforced islam codes of pubilc conduct via censors
        • Halt constructions of new Hindu temples
        • Attack established structuers
        • Reimposed the jizya payment in leu of state service that is demanded from non-muslims
        • Enforced system of jizya payments that had to be done while chanting about inferoity
        • Opposed appointing hindus to highest ranks
      • Hindus and other non-muslim cultural icons lamented this
      • Shah Janan's army campaigns increased tax revenue to meet higher expectations
        • Hindu agricultural exploration fell hardest
        • Shivaji contradicted the Mughal court
          • Which means, he got quickly struck down
          • Escaped the court, and went to the Marathas
          • 1674-1680 started invading Mughals in gurilla campaigns
          • Which, is a self-deprecating loop — causing Auranzb to invest even MORE moneyon fighting
            • Created the Marathas empire
        • Muhammed Akbar opposed his fathers rules
          • Fled to Arabia
          • Tortured and killed son of Shiviaji
      • Also started a struggle with the Briting East India Company
        • Started complaining of higher taxes
        • Interpreted their license to say that they would only need to pay taxes at major international ports
        • In defense, the company declared war against the Mughals
        • The Mughals retailated by destroying corporate stations
        • Eventually forced negotiations to sink Muslim ships bound for Mecca
        • Eventually forced back into trade negotiations after a larger fine
        • This incident humiliated both the Mughals and the company — displeasing European directors
      • Fights of independence broke out amoung the Marathas and the Hindu-predominant north between 1674-1680
    • In the end, Aurangzeb ended his life noting "I don't know who I am, nor what I have been doing"
    • Marathas won great parts of Mughal territory
      • Empire's rulers force to pay tribute to Marathas
      • Others paid a largely symbolic to the Mughals

#disorganized #flo

  • India is very hard to rule in a very centralized way
    • Deccan plateu to the south
      • Hard to conquer
      • Have to re-conquer because people did not respect his rule
    • Gangatic plain to the north
      • Easy to conquer
    • Rajputs
      • Small city-states with isolated rules
      • With independent principalities

And now, we are comparing palaces?

  • Chende constructed to match people's religions
    • Instead of meeting people in the impressively Han seat of power, meet at a more relaxed place
    • Both asserted power in the main palace and appeased ethnicity in the summer palace
  • Agra constructed to be a mix of religions
    • Instead of meeting people in the strictly Muslim seat of power, meet at a more…. fortified place
    • Both asserted power in to Tokata and appeased ethnicity in the summer palace