
2021-09-27 Mon 12:00
title: The Impact of Industrial Revolution, w.r.t. Asian Countries
author: Houjun Liu
course: HIST201

1 Impact of the Industrial Revolution, "The Impact of the Western Man"

Asian countries lost their share of world manufacturing, in a addiction to creating new systems that exclusively benefits the West.

1.1 Created novel economic relationships benefiting the west

  • Coastal traders
  • Shippers
  • Consuls

1.2 Shipped diseases around the world

This one is simple — cholera, measles, the Freaking Plague

1.3 Created worldwide infrastructure

  • Roads
  • Railway
  • Telegraph
  • Harbors
  • Civic buildings

1.4 Plundered and killed during conquering

Using… Modern Warfare

1.5 Created an unstoppable advancement in military technology

See KBhHIST201ImpactsofIR on the section .w.r.t warfare.