Table of Contents
1 Europe's Western Takeover
1.1 The Takeover
- Expanded towards Mexico, Peru, and Cuba — generally weaker nations to whom having artilirary is like gods #why #really?
- Capitalized upon the lands with absolute control, and discovered silver from the Potosà mines… Bringing rapid growth and KBhHIST201ProblemsWithSilver Problems with Silver
- Unlike KBhHIST201ZhengHeSeafaring Zheng He + Africa, Europeans came to the Americas and stayed there with a government and army and all
- Colonies are less influenced by internal wars then are actual countries themselves
1.2 The Impact
- Switch to emphasis on trade of staples instead of valuables
- Many American crops (Maize, Indigo) and American-Grown crops (tobacco, rice, sugar) helped spark the economy and increase overall value
- Growth in employment and growth for large trade city (London, Bristol, Antwerp, Amsterdam)
- Expansion into Russian regions also added additional value
- Increased rivalry between European states brought increased
competition and development
- Added technology
- Novel skills and industries
- Increased emphasis on reasoning + science
- After a while, it became generally difficult for old-world powers to expand and regain control
The lack of economic and political rigidity would imply a similar lack of cultural and ideological orthodoxy—that is, a freedom to in quire, to dispute, to experiment, a belief in the possibilities of improvement, a concern for the practical rather than the abstract,