
The Crisis of the Liberal Democracy

Houjun Liu 2021-09-27 Mon 12:00

1 Crisis of Liberal Democracy

  • When unifying crisises occur
  • When police and millitary becomes over-controlling
  • When an individual seizes power by force without remediation from constitution
  • When a party becomes uniformly controlling of the government without competition
  • When central tenants of demcracy were extrinsically distrubed
  • When promises go unchecked or undelivered
  • When popular support becomes undefeated

Liquitity crisis: elements of mobile society becomes fix/stuck

1.1 Agricultural Crisis

  • Agriculture requires the ability to take debt: that you need money to plant, and you get return in the end
  • During a system of overproduction, governments has to "pay people not to work." Meaning, governments like the US had to buy up supply and start burning them.
  • Western nations, during the agricultural crisis
    • Protectionism
    • Tightening credit/payback
    • Diversion of bubles => anarchic response in global markets: every country trying to protect themselves and hence hurting the collective

1.2 Amercian Financing

  • US funds attempted to force German industrial expansion and recovery
  • Governments, using this fund, tries to legitamate themselves by stimulating inflation and creating fancy things

"The New Deal Programs" => some say that there is a hinderance to the economy

Instead of having money go into the economy, US credit system caused "speculative bubbles": bubbles that are caused by traders speculating individuals' will to buy something. i.e. Florida real estate + stock markets.

Margin trading began: a lot of investors are making a bubble through margins.

John Keens proposes that captalism is not self-regulating because of the humanistic, animalistic emotions within the marget.

1.3 Tom's Depression Vortex

Crisis of liquitity and underconsumption structural crisis

  • Factories close down, workers laid off
  • Poverty => lower demand for both consumer goods and food
  • People with lower demand deciedes that they are better off buying more things
  • Factories will then buy less
  • Repeat sadness

Depression began as a fundimental crisis for western style democracy

1.4 Fashism

  • Rejection of material economy
  • Rejects the "lots of money to buy things" goal
  • Accepts life as a hero's struggle: that one thing — the all-powerful state — should unlock the heroism in other people

In times of chaos, clear central control is needed from current government.

When traditional conservatives decide that radical conservatives are "Generally Acceptable", societies collapse and power wil move to the "wild side".

Desperate people are easy picking are demagogues. So to enable global peace, make people less desperate.