
Colbert and Smith

Houjun Liu 2021-09-27 Mon 12:00

1 Colbert and Smith

1.1 Colbert: Memoir on Finances

/Colbert: minister of finance, minister of marine and colonies; proponent of mercantilism — states regulate economic activities to increase wealth./

  • Can't increase French currency supply
  • Believes that the king should… Control? trading through the West
  • Needs to try to ensure that government is as rich as possible: meaning that one must engage in a world of money
    • Encouraged waging of trade wars
    • Take money from other economies
  • Merchantilist: wage trade war, measuring success with the nation's wealth + seizure of trade. Goal = spend less, earn more, monopolize

1.2 Smith: Wealth of Nations

  • The more you spend, the more you get + open trade is encouraged
  • Divison of Labor
    • Divison of labor occurs naturally, without human intervention
    • No other species does this — and instead seem to opt for independence + self-sufficiency
    • Humans have the tendency to help others
      • Humans operate no for benevolence, but instead help for self-interest
      • "give me that which I want, and you shall have this which you want."
  • Trade
    • Monopolies to the domestic industry => useless/hurtful
      • Only serves to tell people what they should do with their money
    • If a foreign country has a commodity that we need, better buy it than to try to make it ourselves
  • Duties of Government
    • Three principle Duties
      • Protecting society from violence and invasion
      • Protecting every member of society from injustice
      • Erecting and maintaining public works and public institutions for the interest of the society
  • Capitalist: trade is better. Don't measure with how much wealth you haev