
Kennedy Reading Notes

Huxley 2021-09-27 Mon 11:59

Other Notes: KBe20hist201floKennedyCH1pt1 Annotations KBe20hist201srcKennedyChap1Part1.pdf

0.0.1 The Rise of the Western World

1500 = divide between modern and pre-modern times

Europe was weak,

Made of a hoddgepoddge of petty kingdoms

(Ming) China was the most advanced civilization in pre-modern times. - Much larger population - Very fertile and irrigated planes - ect. - Hiericharial administration run by educated confucian elites

China had a habit of changing its conquerors much more than it was changed by them

Chinese invented the magnetic compass! (go us!)
Also, very early invention of printing. 
Had paper money, which expedited commerce 
And Gunpowder
Never plundered or murderd when travelling overseas to foreing lands

=Bans good ships, "turns back on world"=

Confucian code states that warfare is a deplorable activity

Laws significantly slowed progress by banning many things Loss of the free market and rapid market expansion

Chinese cities were never allowed the autonomy of those in the west;

Printing only allowed for scholarly activities, > much less for social criticism

0.0.2 The Muslim World

had turned in on itself

Problems with the Ottoman Turks (more specifically, their massive army)

Took over a bunch of stuff, had super strong navy, yatta yatta,

Without clear directives from above, the arteries of the bureaucracy hardened, preferring conservatism to change, and stifling innovation.

The printing press was forbidden because it might disseminate dangerous opinions.

0.0.3 Two Outsiders – Japan and Russia

1 \[Deleted\ stuff\ was\ here...\]

1.0.1 Gunpowder Revolution

Free market led to better weapons and armor Experimentation from this led to gunpowder

Europe improved greatly on the design on the canon, and later countries copied it.

China and Japan didn't produce canons until late because they > clung to their traditional fighting style.

Heavy fortified bases which allow for retreat means that winning battles doesn't "stick" as well

  1. Sea

    People armed with crossbows on the edges of the ship got replace with canons.

    Weight and recoil of cannons made three-masted sailing vessel's superior

    ^ less maneuverable

    China left maritime trade.

    Culture of Europe led to many more sailors / explorers. led to a massive increase in resources: - Fish for food - Seal / whale oil - Sugar - indigo - tobacco, - rice, - furs, - timber, - potato, - maize, - ect.

    Beginnings of a modern world system.


    The inquiring, rationalist mind was observing more, and experimenting more

    This 'explosion of knowledge' was what ultimately led to Europe's rise to the top.

    * This lack of economic and political rigidity would imply a similar lack of cultural and ideological orthodoxy is, a freedom to inquire to dispute, to experiment, a belief in the possibilities to improvement, a concern for the practical rather then the abstract, a rationalism which defied mandarin codes, religious dogma, and traditional folklore.

    :CUSTOMID: this-lack-of-economic-and-political-rigidity-would-imply-a-similar-lack-of-cultural-and-ideological-orthodoxy-is-a-freedom-to-inquire-to-dispute-to-experiment-a-belief-in-the-possibilities-to-improvement-a-concern-for-the-practical-rather-then-the-abstract-a-rationalism-which-defied-mandarin-codes-religious-dogma-and-traditional-folklore.


1.1 \[The\ European\ Miracle\]



Coal allows for a lot more land because you can remove forests
