- When upset by a reading (Sushu @ Kennedy)
- 31 August 2020, Sushu Block 1
- Helpful to diagram out the author's argument
- What are the author's claims?
- Where is the evidence?
- What spin does the author put on it? (Seen as a strength or weakness?)
- Examples
- Analyze evidence
- Does it exist?
- Where are the gaps in the argument?
- How does the author define terms?
- This feels like thinking like a sports fan
- Doing Readings
- Create atomic notes, like a Zettelkasten
- Skim for length, decide what not to read
- Get a note taking doc
- Annotate for
- Structure: "x reasons/characteristics, Firstly, primarily, secondly, in addition"
- Claims
- key points
- Things that remind you of other readings / claims
- Write summary phrases for paragraphs
- Skip things you don't need to read (if you already know about it)