
2021-09-27 Mon 12:00

#ref #ret #inclass

1 Let's go?

**Directions:** Choose ONE of the following prompts and respond in a well-developed, organized, clear two- to three-page essay. Remember to include a bold yet concise thesis statement and to support it with ample evidence and analysis from throughout the text.


1.   In his Prologue, Orange claims that “we are the memories we don’t remember, which live in us, which we feel” (10). Choose one character from the novel, and explain how he/she embodies, revises, or refutes this claim. Be sure to explain/define the quotation and how it connects to the character you are discussing.
2.   Orange posits the concept of the “Urban Indian” in his Prologue (11). Define this concept and explain how one of the novel’s characters navigates this modern identity alongside his/her ancestral roots. 
3.   Discuss the Interlude section of the novel. What is its function in the book? How does it connect to the various narratives and the work as a whole?
4.   Choose one character from the novel and discuss why his or her narrative is 1st, 2nd, or 3rd person. What effect does the form of narrative have on how we read, understand, and know the character? 
5.   Create your own prompt (_requires a check-in with your teacher_). When designing your topic, please consider whether it is arguable in a paper of this length.

there's gonna be a diagnostic essay but no assessed discussion

1.0.1 mac and cheese time

has to do with our content, and aproach!

  • mac and cheese activity was stylistic analysis
  • we were talking about what it means to be american ~= what it means to be mac and cheese? - rohan
    • Q about def or identity
    • what is NOT
      • ie powder on noodles is not mac and cheese
  • what is "proper"
    • problematic concept!
  • lived experiences shape perceptions? - riyanna
mac and cheese is a text - *sarah*
  • exclusion and elitist
  • people in power vs majority vs… consensus?
  • ooh, mia asks if there is merit to exclusion
  • i kinda dont want to take notes on this sorry
  • notes on beyonce?
    • parental adivosry
    • i cant see man
    • i need glasses
    • wtf is happening

1.0.2 ok back to it

most intresting:

  1. In his Prologue, Orange claims that "we are the memories we don't remember, which live in us, which we feel" (10). Choose one character from the novel, and explain how he/she embodies, revises, or refutes this claim. Be sure to explain/define the quotation and how it connects to the character you are discussing.
are we?

i disagree. I am not my ancestors actions? even though i am there genes?

memories we dont remeber -> ancestors experiences

experience propogation? ie. ancestor feels this which effects us in this way? memories shape the way the current world is even if we dont know the memories? we "feel" what is… what is is a product of previous actions which are memories that we dont own and thus dont remeber?

is this, we are only the memories? we are partly the memories?

actions vs past and culture "It's important that he dress like an Indian, dance like an Indian, even if it is an act, even if he feels like a fraud the whole time, because the only way to be Indian in this world is to look and act like an Indian." – defined by action not by memory?

relates to the idea of authenticy? identity

really, it's about ways of addressing the past

are we defined by our ancestors actions and experiences? and if so, how? 
and then, how do we address or think about ourselvs in the context of the past?