
2021-11-06 Sat 19:21

Table of Contents

title: Fences and Baseball context: eng11 author: Huxley Marvit date: 2021-10-15 —

#flo #inclass

Consider: - How did the status of the Negro Leagues influence players and the popular imagination? - Characteristics of Jackie Robinson, Satchel Paige, Josh Gibson - Why would Jackie have to be the "first"? - Why would other people resent Jackie needing to be the "first"? - How would hearing that people needed to wait for Jackie Robinson impact Troy psychologically? What narrative about himself and baseball has he constructed?

how do we deal with people who have been destroyed?? is that what they said?

' segregation destroyed them' created infiriority

dissadance meant that u coudnt calculate stats?

ohh.. so we wanted to regognize them as major league level and also ignore the statitstics because the statistics were flawed due to segregation

cus the record books were wrong

he says, we cannot fix them. don't include the statistics

what is performative, and what is destructive down the road?

jackie robinson he never got to play against white players?

good intensions, poor execution. that's what he says.

don't do a hundred year retrofit

"A lot to think about there."

jackie robinson got signed to one of the best teams: the brooklyn dogers

1 the movie.

  • people are not happy with jackie.
    • because they think they should have been picked

talks about cascade effect