
Heart of Darkness p1 to 17

Houjun Liu 2021-09-27 Mon 12:00


1 Heart of Darkness, p1-17

Still in Gothic + Romantic era.

1.1 3-5

  • Contrast between lightness and darkness
  • "Brooding" gloom + "Angers" at the advancement of the sun
  • Romanticized view towards the history of England
  • The "light" vs the "dark"
    • Light (charted, colonized) brought to the
    • Dark (mysterious, unknown)

1.2 6-8

  • Hipocracy in Marlow's tone with regards to solely using brute force
  • Interesting language + similarity of the Romans vs. Barbarians and Europeans vs. Africans
  • Pay attention in contrast between lightness and darkness!!

1.3 9-11


1.4 12-14

  • Expository narrative
  • Scene building of Africa
  • "I am not such a fool as I look, quote Plato to his disciples"
    • Plato concerned with the notion of the fool
    • Often did silly things, but also comments on foolishness
    • Accountant did not wish to be thought as stupid, because only a fool will visit there

1.5 15-17

  • Death being common motif
  • Forboding foreshadowing in the story
  • Contrast between anonymous narrator's description of the thems vs. Marlow's description of Africa