
Bird dreaming Baobab Debrief

Exr0n 2021-09-27 Mon 12:00
1) What kind of symbolism does the bird man hold?  And what is the significance of his keeping of birds?

What effect or sentiment does Couto create by using vague pronouns to describe the Bird-Man, such as “that black”?

What is the symbolism of the baobab flower petals?

4) How does the white neighborhood’s perception of the birds change their opinion on the actual bird man?

In the last paragraph, while the tree is being burned, Couto’s verb choice doesn’t relate to burning at all, why does he do this?

6) Why exactly are the white people so afraid of the bird man? 

Do the white colonizers' rejection of the birds in the story reflect colonizers' rejection of traditional rituals and cultural practices of Africans?

How does the birdman escape prison?

    - Maybe the bird man represents a culture instead of a person?
    - So he would not have a name

What are the implications of the boy (Tiago) becoming the birdman?

Do the Portuguese see the birdman as a threat?

11) The Baobab is supposed to be able to commit suicide by fire, but the settlers end up burning the tree with one of their children inside. What is the significance of this?

12) Why did the author choose birds?

Our focus: 1-3 1. > What kind of symbolism does the bird man hold? And what is the significance of his keeping of birds? 1. Conscience of the settlers, bird man is a metaphor for "deep down we are all human and nice" 2. Innocent 3. Foreigner but also a native 4. He is like a bird on the ground, that isn't his home anymore 5. Seen as "corrupting the children" by existing 6. "The bird seller, by overstepping himself in such a fashion, was leading the world towards other awareness." Knowledge bad (pg 7.9) 2. > What effect or sentiment does Couto create by using vague pronouns to describe the Bird-Man, such as "that black"? 1. Nobody can understand what he's doing and why? Don't know too much about him so uncertainty and misunderstanding is represented. 2. Dehumanization tactic (not given a name) 3. > What is the symbolism of the baobab flower petals? 1. Well being of the bird man / baobab tree, red for blood. Bird man is replaced by the kid so the tree is okay again? 1. Flowers were crushed by people coming to burn the tree (pg 10) 4. General symbolism 1. Birds represent freedom 1. Bird man sold birds in cages that "didn't even look like a prison", but the birds were caged by the Portuguese once sold.