
huxley's comps sec rubric

huxley marvit 2021-09-27 Mon 14:53

#ret #hw

1 The assignment

Think of something you'd like to learn, practice, or work on in this class, that isn't covered by the existing rubric. For instance, maybe you'd like to get better at turning things in on time, or participating in class discussions, or being ok with things not being perfect, get the idea.

Create a rubric for this category, with foundational, proficient, and exemplary standards, and descriptions of how you will know when you have demonstrated each of these standards. Submit the standards and descriptions for this assignment.

This rubric category will be included on each of your assignments and worth 10% of your final grade. Yes, really.

+My grades do not motivate me to learn. My curiosity and interest do. When I need to worry about my grades, I learn significantly less and I don't have nearly as much fun doing so. =Thus, I will do the reflection on what I'd want to work on,= and also install a fail-safe as follows:+

1.0.1 Meta

For this semester, I would like to be assessed on genuine and generalizable understanding of the topics we cover. And (of course) whether or not my name includes Huxley.

1.0.2 Foundational

Turns in homework with satisfactory answers and/or name includes Huxley.

### Proficient Understands topics abstracted from provided problems and exercises and/or name includes Huxley.

### Exemplary Creates a project which demonstrates that student Can apply concepts to drastically different problems in drastically different contexts+, and/or name includes Huxley+.