
Code of Conduct

Huxley Marvit 2021-09-27 Mon 12:00


I'm not a believer in deontological ethics, so my code of conduct is as follows:

Feedback: /How do you know whether your actions will cause or minimize pain? Consider the stories you read for the legal/ethical reflection, Morris and Silk Road. Do you think that Morris and DPR failed to consider whether their actions would cause pain, or did they not care, or was it actually impossible to predict?/

My best guess with Morris is that he didn't expect to cause the pain he did. Supposedly, a glitch was what caused many of then infected machines to become "catatonic." As for DPR, I think he understood that he would cause pain, but believed that his actions would bring more good into the world than bad. As for knowing whether my actions will cause or minimize pain, I don't. I simply have to take it as a case by case basis, using pattern recognition to try and predict an outcome given a set of actions. Of course, I can make a set of "rules" which will probably have a decent success rate, but I don't want to be trapped by them like I see so many others are. I have to try and operate in the realm of ever-changing reality, not the realm of bureaucracy and blind process. Of course, this will be a lot harder, but I've had a decent success rate so far and I'm trying my best.