
Cell Membranes Transports

Houjun Liu 2021-09-27 Mon 12:00

1 Cell Membrane Protean Transports

1.1 Simple Diffusion

Due to the wonderful nature of ENTROPY!!!, things just tend to spread out from high to low concentrations.

1.2 Passive diffusion

  • Passive… Passive Diffusion: Non-Polar things simply "fall in" in the direction of chemical gradient
  • Facilitated Diffusion: polar molecules selectively get through protean channels
  • Osmosis: facilitated diffusion of water through a membrane

Quick ad break for some terms on Osmosis

  • Isotonic => inside and outside have the same level of "osmolarity": probablility for osmosis to happen through a semipermiable membrane
  • Hypertonic => inside has less osmolarity than the outside: water/other elems will flow out of the cell
  • Hypotonic => outside has less osmolarity than the inside: water/other elems will flow into the cell

1.3 Active diffusion

ATP shepherds elements in

1.4 Bulk transport

  • Phagocytosis => take a piece of the membrane with you to form a vesticle to introduce large solid elements, recycling the membrane after done — "cell eating"
  • Pinocytosis => take a piece of the membrane with you to form a vesticle to introduce large area of the "outside" in — fluid and solid and all, recycling the membrane after done — "cell drinking"
  • Endocytosis => Phagocytosis + Pinocytosis
  • Extocytosis => opposite of endocytosis