
2021-09-27 Mon 12:00

0.1 ---

1 Experiment Design

1.0.1 Mechanistic Understanding

  • Once data has been collected, it is important that one tries to get a mechanistic understanding.
    • This means more why this pattern is occurring. ### Data vs Theory
  • Evidence is very different from theory.
    • Evidence may describe a pattern, but as soon as any theory or interpretation is applied it
      • One of De's mentors called this religion vs evidence
    • Example: He takes a survey that has us all saying that we feel relatively safe, but we don't feel calm and we feel stressed out
      • With this data you can draw two conclusions
        • We are in a world where we are stressed
        • We are a world where we aren't stressed
      • There has to be one or the other
        • The evidence supports the first one, but one cannot prove anything
  • The pattern is an extrapolation of the data
    • It's considered religion