
What is Biology (biOLGO,gee)

Houjun Liu 2021-09-27 Mon 12:00

So, let's begin with a very easy concept (sarcasm)

1 What is life?

When is someone dead?

This is hard, so let's instead think about what a child?

Biological Female + Sperm + relative safety + Lot's of Peanut Butter => Child.

But! We know that:

  • The person does not consciously go "let's create a liver", for instance
  • Instead… She is following self organization rules
    • Pieces self organize
    • Put some chemistry into some matter, and it will organize to create a human being
  • Theses self organization rules
    • Does not need to be taught
    • Is inate to system
    • Is on both the micro and macro level
      • Micro => Cells functioning
      • Macro => Flock of birds

1.1 Self Organization Rules

Simple structures causes intricate, complicated behavior.

See KBhBIO101SelfOrganization, self-organization.

1.2 Types of Biology

  • Translational
  • Academic
  • Textbook
  • Education

1.2.1 Textbook Biology

  • Journaled and formalized
  • "Sum total of bio knowledge"

1.2.2 Academic Biology

  • Scientific pursue of information
  • Synthesis and discovery of information

1.2.3 Translational Biology

  • Research with outcome in mine
  • Trying to solve "a problem"

1.2.4 Educational Biology

  • Sharing and communicating biology
  • Luke De :heart: Edu Biology
  • Like…
    • Convincing people to have vaccines
    • Convincing mask wearing

Think: how would I share this information