
Viral Genetic Modulation

Houjun Liu 2021-09-27 Mon 12:00

1 Viral Genetic Mutations

1.1 Genetic Shift

Whole segments of genome exchange abruptly as two flu viruses infect the same cell to create a new strand. There are two mechnisms by which happens — ( #ASK ) the crossing-over mechnism and genome segment reassortment

1.1.1 Crossing-over

Self-mixing of ozaki fragments during viral recombination in the KBhBIO101DNAReplication process cause sudden mutations

1.1.2 Genome Segment Reassortment

Two viruses coinfect the same cell, causing cross-talk in swapping segments

1.2 Genetic Drift

This usually occurs due an error in a polymerase-driven process, where single/groups of nucleotides flip slowly over time due to mistakes in KBhBIO101RNAReplication.

The former is an environment-dependent process, where the latter is able to be modeled as it is due to predictable transcription mistake.

1.3 Mutation w.r.t.


:CUSTOMID: mutation-w.r.t.-filekbhbio101typesofviruses.orgkbhbio101typesofviruses

Screen Shot 2020-10-12 at 11.24.39 PM.png

Figure 1: Screen Shot 2020-10-12 at 11.24.39 PM.png

  • RNA viruses could mutate more because it does not have checks
  • More complex+largest viruses (DNA viruses) harder to mutate