
Organizing Organelle Based on Membranes

Houjun Liu 2021-09-27 Mon 12:00

1 Organizing Organelles Based on Membranes

By organizing KBhBIO101EukaryoticOrganells based on whether or not they have membranes, it helps us gauge the evolutionary history of cells.

1.1 Membranous Organelles

These have membranes! They have their own plasma, regulates their own macromolecule consumption, hormones, etc. Based on KBhBIO101Endosymbiotic endosymbiotic theory, double-memranous organelles may perhaps be the organelles that were originally independent prokaryotic cells that evolve to coexist with Eukarotes; by the same token, single-membraneous organelles may be fragements of prokaryotic cells.

1.1.1 Double Membranes

  • Mitochrondria => store ATP and extract energy from ATP
  • Chloroplasts => Does photosynthesis

1.1.2 Double Membranes, Evolved Later

  • Endoplasmic reticulum => forms the network of transferring proteins and other elements
  • Golgi body/Gioli apparatus => packs, sorts, and modifies proteins and other elements throughout the cell

1.1.3 Single Membranes

  • Vesticles
  • Lysomoes => breaking stuff down and garbage dumps
  • Vacuoles => storing water, nutrients, waste

1.2 Non-Membranous Organells

These organelles does not process their own plasma, and they are mostly part of the cytoskeleton of a cell.

  • Ribosomes => protein synthesizer in the cell
  • Centrosome => forms flangella, cilla, and handles cells divisions
  • Plastids => creates colours displayed in the chromoplasts