
The Lifecycle of a Cell

Houjun Liu 2021-09-27 Mon 12:00

Table of Contents

1 The Cell('s) (Life)Cycle

1.1 So, why do cell divide

Everyday, 50-70 Billion die (programmed cell death, apoptosis), so…

The ability to produce organisms more of their kind is one characteristic that best distinguishes living things from nonliving matter

KBhBIO101Viruses and organelles challenge this definition => they are symbiotic and cannot reproduce on their own. But like screw them right?

To compensate for programmed cell death, (cell division) happen.

Before we continue, do yourself a favor and review KBhBIO101DNAStructures

1.2 So, when do cells divide? (The Actual Cell Cycle)

The cell follows a lifecycle from new cell to cell-too-bit-aaa-gotta-divide called… you ready for this? "Cell Cycle". At the pointy bit of the cell cycle, the cell reproduces KBhBIO101CellReproduction. And et viola the cell cycle!

For more, see KBhBIO101CellCycle.


Figure 1: lecellcycle.png

1.3 So, how do cells divide?