
Bacterial Infections

Houjun Liu 2021-09-27 Mon 12:00

1 Bacterial Infections

Induction of diseases via the entry of bacteria.

  • Bacterial-induced toxicity => produces toxins + has hard capsule cell
  • Host-mediated factors => may develop host resistance, could compete for resources, and could be grown introcellularly

1.1 Biofilm formation

  • Communities of bacteria could work together by adhering and exchanging information
  • Bacterial could perform quorum sensing => exchange of information with each other + recognize various members of their group

1.2 Fighting bacterial infections

Antibiotics => drugs with selective toxicity for specific bacterial types

Act by…

  • Disrupting membrane + cell wall integrity
  • Selectively target + impair bacterial ribosomes
  • Block bacterial DNA replication/transcription
  • Inhibit bacterial metabolism

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Figure 1: Screen Shot 2020-10-12 at 3.08.53 PM.png