
Water Free-write + notes

Huxley 2021-09-27 Mon 12:00

1 Molecular Dynamics

H02 to S02 – water to sulfur-dioxide

Line represent polar attraction? Hydrogen bonds?

has a lot to do with electronegativity

2 Free-write Start

  • What do you notice about the difference in movement between H20 and S02? Why is this?
    • The water molecules are significantly more spastic
  • Described what the emergent lines between the atoms represent?
    • I believe the green lines are hydrogen bonds, which form due to the polar nature of water molecules. The Hydrogens are slightly positive, and the Oxygens slightly negative. The purple(ish) lines are dipole bonds. I assume the blue lines are dispersion forces simply due to their sheer quantity and instability.
  • What is there to possibly know about water? How does water support life?
    • Water in vital to life. It is a polar molecule, meaning it's an amazing solvent. It also has high surface tension, and has high adhesion This allows water to flow against gravity.
  • What are biological implications of water's properties?
    • Allows water to regulate temperature, transfer nutrients + oxygen, dissolve said nutrient,

running out of time here.. can we have more than ten minutes please? This doesn't even scratch the surface of what I can write about water from memory.