
Zachary Sayyah 2021-09-27 Mon 12:00

1 Transcription

  • Polymerase
    • The thing that copies it over
  • Promoter
    • The structure that chooses which genes to copy
  • Coding Region
    • The area of DNA to be copied
  • mRNA
    • What the polymerase outputs (DNA copy inverse)
  • Terminator
    • The tail end of the coding region that folds making the RNA fall off
  • This creates the mRNA and the siRNA and tRNA

2 Outside signals

  • Signals to outside receptors create positive or negative transcription factors
    • These can be activated by internal signals
    • positive transcription factors allow for and encourage transcription
    • negative transcription factors cause the release of a molecule that take the slot of polymerase shutting down the gene and not allowing for transcription

3 Mutations

  • There are different types of mutations such as a substitution mutation