

Taproot 2022-05-22 Sun 21:44

1 Welcome

Howdy 👋, welcome to Taproot, the connected Zettlekastenish braindump of Huxley, Albert, Zach, Houjun, Dylan, Peter, and David. Take a look around, either in person or using this Handy Web Portal.

This is the third version of the Taproot infrastructure. The website is set in Helvetica Neue, the generated PDFs are set in Liberation Sans and built using xelatex. Source files are written in or transpiled to org using pandoc, and built using ox-html and org-publish.

The software stack of Taproot is licensed under GPL-3.0 License and the text is licensed by CC BY-NC-SA 4.0. The license texts are available to view here and here respectively.

Taproot is organized under a few global indexes of subject-specific areas. Enter Taproot by following down these lovely rabbit holes of notes:

2 Notes

2.1 School Notes

There are secretly actually others, like Japanese or Spanish. But those are too bad for mere mortals to cast eyes on.

2.2 Projects

Coming Soon!

2.3 Personal Corners

3 Philosophy

Zettelkasten, maybe. But basically, create a repository of knowledge that should be easy to refer back to and effective for relearning things. We strive to create atomic, self contained notes that link to other references. Think a more granular Wikipedia.

4 Joining Us

Its probably a bit hard (we all go to school in the same area, we generally take similar classes, etc.)

5 Epilogue

Thanks for stopping by!

A "taproot" is a "large, central, and dominant root from which other roots sprout laterally" See Wikipedia. Also, it's a food!